Monday 27 April 2015

When I grow up....

So everyone asks when you're younger... What do you want to be?! And now well into my twenties I find myself asking kids that now... Not to be patronising... For inspiration!!

Even after promotions into a good job with stable and good money I still feel like I'm playing house.. And failing. 
All around I see people getting married and having kids and I'm still wandering aimlessly thinking about when I'm going to trade in my fabric wardrobe for a proper sturdy wooden one my cat can't swing from and claw in the night...
I think of being adult life as a journey and I can't help think "Are we there yet?!"

When do you feel like a full fledged adult?! Do I get a badge? Will I sudden feel grown up and not laugh at the word "testicles" said in a serious tone?! (True story at the vets)

I can't help think that I'm just pretending to be grown up... 

Can I really add another pretence to my emotional status?!